Be part of positive change at your store! Although we always encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with us, this survey offers a more formal opportunity to share your insights. Between September 7th and September 27th, we invite you to make your voice heard!

Before you begin, you may find this article helpful if you need to reset your Wakefern password:  How to set up or reset your Wakefern password

There are two ways to participate in the survey:

  1. Desktop/iPad: Survey will be accessible on the LINK homepage (
  2. TC-70 Handheld: Survey will be accessible through the Soti-Surf app

Navigate to the AEM link on LINK or the Soti-Surf app on a TC-70 device. Sign in one of two ways:

  • Five-character ID and password (same you use for Axonify login)
  • Twelve-digit Employee ID and birth year

Answer questions and click SUBMIT. You will have the opportunity to add in comments to provide more feedback for each question. 

The survey should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. See your Manager or Supervisor if you need any help.



Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Engagement Survey?

A: It’s your opportunity to voice your opinion – confidentially – about what is working at your store and what needs improvement. The survey is a great tool to provide feedback and assess culture, teamwork, leadership, policies and more.


Who is the survey for?

A: Everyone who works in your store is invited and encouraged to take the survey – part-timers, full-timers, Managers, every department, every job function. For those Associates who joined Village on or after August 8th, 2021, we invite your feedback in our next survey.


Will my Manager know how I’ve answered the questions?

A: No, the survey is completely confidential and administered by Glint, a third-party vendor, who makes your confidentiality a priority. So, no one will know how you’ve answered. Your answers will be included and reported on as part of a group – your direct team or department and your store as a whole. If a group is smaller than five people, the results are hidden to help keep answers confidential.


Should I be honest?

A: Yes! Absolutely. Store leadership wants to know how Associates honestly feel about working in your store so that they can celebrate what is going well and take positive action to address areas that can be improved.


Should I take the survey if I just started working in the store?

A: Although we value your input and are always looking for feedback, if you started working here within the last 30 days, you are not required to take the survey.


Can I take the survey at home?

A: This is considered a work activity, so Store Associates must take the survey during work hours. Corporate and Field Associates who are working from home may take the survey at home during work hours.

Why should I take the survey?

A: The first part of making positive change is knowing exactly what needs to change. By taking the survey, you are letting your store leadership know where they should focus their efforts to make improvements. You will be part of making your store a better place to work – not only for yourself, but also for your co-workers. If I do not remember my 5 character ID and password can I still take the survey?


If I do not remember my 5 character ID and password can I still take the survey?

A: Yes! You can also access the survey by inputting your 12-digit Employee ID and birth year.


What will you do with my responses after the survey closes?

A: After the survey closes, results will be combined, analyzed and provided to your store management. From there, your store and/or department manager will set aside time to review your store/team results with the team.